Valkyrie of Phantasm is a fast-paced aerial combat shooting game set in the world of Touhou Project. The game follows the story of a mysterious meteorite crashing into Gensokyo, releasing a series of lights that transform the inhabitants, including the shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei, into armored warriors. As the meteorite’s impact causes a series of incidents in Gensokyo, you control characters from the Touhou Project series in high-speed danmaku battles, navigating through complex bullet patterns and using a variety of special abilities.
Key Features:
High-speed Gameplay: The game offers a fast-paced experience with quick decision-making required for survival. Each battle is a test of both skill and strategy, as you dodge and strike in a fast-moving environment.
Aerial Combat: Take control of iconic characters from the Touhou Project series and engage in high-speed aerial battles against enemies in Gensokyo. Use your agility to dodge bullets and defeat your enemies.
Danmaku Battles: The game features intense danmaku (bullet hell) combat, with fast-moving bullets and intricate patterns that challenge your reflexes and tactical abilities. Use the characters’ unique skills to survive and counterattack.
Character Abilities: Each character in the game has different abilities, including melee attacks, rapid-fire shooting, powerful spell cards, and evasive maneuvers. Mastering these abilities is key to surviving the intense combat encounters.
Spell Cards: Cast devastating spells to unleash powerful bullet patterns that can wipe out enemies or create safe zones for yourself amidst the chaos of flying bullets.
Mobility: Boost Dash and evasive maneuvers allow you to zip through the skies, dodging bullets and positioning yourself for optimal attacks.