Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is a vibrant action-adventure game created by Team Reptile, where graffiti culture meets high-octane gameplay. Set in the futuristic city of New Amsterdam, players take on the role of a graffiti crew member with a boostpack, battling rival crews and dodging law enforcement in a quest for street supremacy.
Key Features:
Action-Packed Challenges: Face off against rival crews and evade the relentless pursuit of the authorities.
Dynamic Gameplay: Engage in high-energy parkour, graffiti tagging, and trick combos as you explore the sprawling metropolis.
Stylish World: Experience a retro-futuristic aesthetic inspired by classic arcade games and graffiti culture.
Custom Crews: Build your own crew and establish your dominance in the city.
Immersive Soundtrack: Enjoy a genre-blending soundtrack that complements the game’s lively visuals and gameplay.